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Te Reo & Te Āhua Māori

Our Aims

Our Ngā Uara are the Pae tata that we aspire all of us to reach. We weave this through our learning. Our Uara were developed with whānau, staff and students and reflect what we hold dear to us. Māori achieving success as Māori and we know that what works for Māori works for all. Te Ao Māori is unique to Aotearoa NZ.

  • To ensure that Māori culture and language is valued and experienced by all students.
  • Māori learners succeed as Māori. (See Ka Hikitia)
  • To develop an environment that reflects our culture.
  • To consult with our whānau twice a year on what needs to be achieved.


  • We have Kapa Haka on a Thursday in the middle block for the whole school to attend.
  • We visit Te Rangimarie marae each year.
  • We have Mihi whakatau to welcome new students, whānau and new staff.
  • Waiata and karakia each day.
  • We have whānau buddies - Tuakana/Teina within the school.
  • Hui whānau twice a year to get whānau voice on our decisions.

Te Reo Māori at our kura

We are proud to have Te Reo Māori being spoken in all parts of our kura. From when you call our school office to the classroom, Te Reo Māori is important to us here. We acknowledge Te Tiriti and that Te Reo Māori is a taonga to be protected as outlined in Article three of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Ākonga are learning at Level 1 and Level 2 of the New Zealand Curriculum.

Te Puna Reo - the pool of reo. This is the vehicle to ensure that we have at least 3 hours of Te Reo Māori happening in all our classrooms per week. Te Puna Reo is a sequential way of learning Te Reo Māori as each module builds on the next. Te Reo Māori learning happens for students and staff alike. We are proud to have all our staff completing Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori in 2023.

Mātauranga Māori is woven into our learning. We ensure that we share Rangitāne (mana whenua) stories. We get out into Te Taiao and learn about our local taonga like The Manawatū awa.

Our Tomokanga (Our Gateway)

Hover your mouse over the + symbols to reveal the parts of our gateway.

Carver - Craig Kawana, blessed by Wiremu Kingi Te Awe Awe on the 8th Novermber 2021

Rangitane kowhaiwhai

From the heke (rafters) at Te Rangimarie Marae in Rangiiotu

A Manaia

A guardian


Rimu flower/Team


Brought the people from Heretaunga (Napier/Hastings) to this area

Kauri Flower / Team

Kowhai flower / team


Asa guardian of Winchester School - Te Kura o Te Haonui

Manawatu Awa

as it was in the 1800's

Kapuarangi Hapu

An important Rangitane hapu

Rangiaranaki Hapu

An important Rangitane hapu


From the backbone (Tahuhu) at Te Rangimarie Marae in Rangiotu

Manawatu Awa

As it is today